My Pregnancy Journey: 3rd Trimester Recap || Must Have Products!


Hey Guys!

Today I wanted to share my 3rd Trimester journey and all the products that helped get me through it.

The 3rd Trimester brought me many challenges, especially health wise, that I will touch on but overall this entire pregnancy has been wonderful.


Read About my 1st Trimester HERE.

Read About my 2nd Trimester HERE

While my first 2 trimesters were very mild compared to other pregnant women I have talked to, my 3rd basically made up for that. It seemed like all the symptoms I was missing out on all came together at once which made my pregnancy feel very real.

Up until about week 28, I still wasn’t showing, so I didn’t quite feel pregnant yet. That all changed at week 29 when basically everything hit the fan. I woke up one morning before work and just felt off. I couldn’t put my finger on what it was but figured it was just a normal pregnancy symptom. I got ready and took my dog on his morning walk just like I do every morning. I was abnormally hot during the walk which is unusual for me since I am always freezing and when I got back to my yard a blackness came over my eyes and I almost passed out. I had to sit for a while before it went away. I decided to head into work but had to leave early because I just felt run down and not myself. I went to the doctor the following day and they determined that my blood pressure was the cause of this. It was 90/60 I believe which is low. I have always had low blood pressure and it usually gets higher during pregnancy but mine wasn’t doing that. My doctor suggested compression stockings, Gatorade, and water and my symptoms seemed to improve the next couple of weeks.

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BUMPDATE// I haven't really shared a Bumpdate so I wanted to share one after my 32 week Dr. Appointment today. • About 4 weeks ago things took a minor turn. Before that, my pregnancy was smooth sailing and very mild compared to others. • I started having dizzy/black out episodes, feeling faint and overall not myself. • Turns out my Low Blood Pressure was still low even during pregnancy (about 90/65) and this was causing my symptoms. • I was also diagnosed with Anemia which didn't help my energy levels.• I was in a minor car accident due to my symptoms so my Husband and I decided it was time for me to stop working. • It has been a blessing being able to rest and prepare for little man. • About 2 weeks ago at my routine doctor appointment, my doctor was a little worried that I was measuring small. • She ordered another ultrasound that we had today which confirmed that he is actually right on target for size and weight and its just me who is small. • These extra 24 pounds (4 of which are little man) are taking their toll on my back and I am having some major round ligament paim, but just watching him move around in my belly makes it all worth it• I am so truly blessed I get to experience this journey and can't wait until we meet him soon 💙💙💙 . . . . . #ltkbump #bumpdate #32weekspregnant #pregnancyjourney #ohioblogger #clevelandblogger #clevelandbloggers #liketoknowit #clevelandmom #ohiomom #momtobe #bumpviews #liketoknowitbaby #liketoknowitfamily #firsttimemom #pregnancyupdate #ultrasounds #pregnantjourney #maternity #8monthspregnant #itsaboy #boymom

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A couple weeks went by and I was out and about for work and all of a sudden I got hot and dizzy again. I didn’t want to be stranded at work so I left early to beat the traffic and to go home and lie down. Well, I ended up crashing my car into the pole in my garage (still not sure how it happened) and at this point my doctor, husband, and I decided I needed to rest and start working part time. When I brought this up to my boss, she didn’t agree and basically said the next day would be my last day. It was bittersweet, but being able to rest and prepare these last 10 weeks has been a blessing. We also got to have 3 ultrasounds instead of the normal 2 because Little Man was measuring small. I can’t say I was surprised since I wasn’t really gaining weight and didn’t have a belly for all the the 2nd trimester but I am happy to report Little Man is right on target and it is just me who measures small. My doctor isn’t worried though because I am tall and have a long torso and she decided this is just how my body grows.


Because of these symptoms, I went in for some blood work and they found that my levels were low and I had anemia. This mixed with my blood pressure that was still low, and the sweltering summer heat, was not a good combination on my body. I had to go on Iron pills and take it easy but I am happy to say as of today (38 weeks) I rarely get the dizzy spells, and spend my days preparing for baby boy’s arrival and resting, or at least attempting to rest.

Another symptom that has made a huge impact on my everyday life is back pain. I have scoliosis and having a giant belly isn’t making that pain any better. The pain impacts my sleep, walking around, and even just sitting. I finally purchased a weight belt to help redistribute the weight from my belly and sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn’t. I also spend alot of time laying on an ice pack. I try to only take Tylenol when it is excruciating but I am just counting my blessings knowing that the pain could be alot worse.


I am still struggling to sleep on my side. Pretty much every position hurts my back or my legs cramp up or my arms fall asleep. I did cave and get a pregnancy pillow and I will say it has helped alot. Some nights I sleep for 10 hours straight no problem, while others are filled with pain. I think this is just a normal pregnancy thing but I do recommend getting a pillow.


Now onto the positives. I am IN LOVE with my belly. I rub it, stare at it and show it off constantly. Everyone calls it my basketball because it is so small and round. Everyone is so nice when I go out and about running errands which is a definite perk when you are finally showing. I will admit I am not looking forward to losing my belly as I have grown to love it. I love watching Little Man move around and let me tell you, he is one active boy! They say the further along you go the less they move but my guy likes to challenge that as he is constantly moving and kicking me in the rib cage and bladder.

His head is down which is awesome and his heartbeat is super strong every-time we go to the doctor. I was checked at 36 weeks to see if I was dilated and I was at a 1.5 cm. I could feel something happening that week indicating that he was “knocking” at the door. I had lightning crotch which is a terrible name but that is what it felt like. The doctor said it is basically his head hitting my cervix and it feels like a bolt of lightning down there. It has gone away and been replaced by period like cramps.


These come and go and aren’t consistent but I think Little Man is coming soon. Hubby and I are pretty much prepared as we have installed the car seat, cleaned my pump supplies (which I HIGHLY recommend doing before baby comes) and the nursery is finished. All his clothes are washed and organized and put away and my hospital bags are packed.

Check out my what I packed in my Hospital bag HERE.

Check out the breastfeeding storage kit I recommend HERE.

We have chosen a name but aren’t telling anyone yet just in case we change our minds.

Overall, even with all the “problems” I had this trimester, I wouldn’t change it for the world and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I feel so beautiful being pregnant and even though I am so excited to meet our little guy, I know I will miss this short period of my life.