Baby Led Weaning| My Tips and Tricks and Products I Swear By


Hey Guys!
Luke is officially 13 months which means he has been eating table food for 7 months! I can’t even believe it! When we started on our BLW journey I never imagined it would be this fun and easy. Please read on for some tips I have, as well as all the products I highly recommend if you want to start on this journey.

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I have never heard of Baby Led Weaning until I had a child. I saw some of my favorite influencers on Instagram feeding their babies regular table food and I found it so fascinating. I started researching the idea of BLW and found that I loved the concept. Now, this isn’t for everyone. I HIGHLY recommend doing research on your own before you start. BLW is an amazing thing but you have to be extra careful about the way you present the food so babies learn to eat without getting frustrated. I learned a lot from this book HERE.

I won’t bore you with all the amazing things I learned from this book but here is a quick summary. BLW is great especially for breastfed babies because they are already independent in their eating meaning they already control what they are drinking/eating and are teaching themselves when they are full to stop. Not saying that bottle fed babies can’t do BLW as well but this concept started with breastfed babies. Since these babies are already more independent, feeding them by spoon takes a step backwards because it teaches them to rely on you to feed them rather then themselves. BLW also encourages family bonding at mealtime so that every meal is shared by the family at the same time. I liked this idea because sitting trying to spoon feed a baby mushy messy food while my own food got cold didn’t sound fun to me.

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The book also talks about the importance of cutting the food properly for each age. At first, you want to cut the food in long thin strips. This scares people because they worry about choking and think the food is too big. I learned that young babies don’t have a proper pincher grip to grab small food so when you cut it in long strips, they are able to pick it up and knaw at the end that is sticking out of their fist. Pretty cool huh! As they grow older and their pincher grip and hand eye coordination develops, you can start cutting pieces into normal small sizes like we adults eat. Speaking of hand eye coordination, I really believe that BLW has led to Luke having amazing little fingers and he has been able to use stacking toys and other complicated toys since he was really little.

Alot of people’s main concern about BLW is choking. This is understandable. From my research, babies are no more prone to choking in BLW than in regular spoon feeding. That being said, it is extremely important to always watch a child when they are eating no matter how old. I will never walk away from Luke when he is eating. Anything can happen in a second no matter what it is.

The number 1 rule for BLW is that you can’t start until they meet ALL signs of readiness. This includes sitting up on their own for 1 min straight, being 6 months old, loss of extrusion reflex, and baby brings objects to mouth with ease. There are also foods that you must not feed to baby including raw honey before the age of 1 (this can hide in objects such as bread so check the labels) obvious choking hazards, unpasteurized foods and anything undercooked. Besides that everything is fair game!


The other most important rule about BLW is food before 1 is just for fun and milk is still king. Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, you should always offer milk first before every meal. This is where babies get the majority of their nutrients from especially before they aren’t eating a lot of regular food.


We don’t follow a specific diet for Luke. We have always given him what we are eating. He eats sugar and processed foods in moderation, we don’t add a ton of salt or seasoning to his food, and he eats plenty of fruits and veggies. He loves meat but sometimes red meat can be hard on his tummy so we have to cut him off ( which he hates haha)

Many people have doctors and family members who will try to talk them out of BLW. My own doctor had never heard of it but once I explained that this is what it is she didn’t say anything. My family was very confused and often tried to steer me away from my decision but I pushed forward. I knew what I wanted for my son and ultimately everyone is now amazed at what a great eater he is! Many people will also try to tell you to introduce foods in a certain order or one at a time to avoid allergies, This is also a myth. Allergies can pop up at anytime during your life so you don’t need to do this.

Overall, this is your child and your decision. You can do BLW 100%, half spoon half BLW or all spoon. Whatever you decide remember, you are the parent and you know what is best for your child.

See below for the products we love!

Highchair: I have talked about the highchair from Ikea a few times now. It is inexpensive, so easy to clean and works amazing. You can get a little blow up insert to go in to help move baby closer to the tray. Luke used this until he was about 9 months. I love the sleek minimal design and the fact that it takes up so little space.

Splat Mat: To go under the highchair to help stop any messes is this splat mat. It comes in many designs and can be washed in the washing machine. It is super travel friendly as well so we like taking it to places when Luke needs to eat at his grandparents or for holidays. This is waterproof so in the future we will also use it for the beach and other outdoor activities.

Smock Bib: Since BLW is messy, Luke wears a smock bib over his clothes. These are made of almost the same material as the splat mat and can be thrown in the washing machine for easy cleaning. I highly recommend having at least 2 for easy rotating. Luke also spends alot of time at his grandparents so I have a couple there as well.

Silicone Bib: I also recommend going with silicone bibs rather than cloth ones. These can be wiped clean, also can be thrown in the washing machine and have a pocket to catch extra food.

Sippy Cup: Obviously this isn’t eating, but when we started BLW we also started introducing Luke to a cup. We started out with water in a shot glass to teach him to tilt his head back and drink. Then we graduated to these cups. They are spill proof, easy to clean and Luke loves them.

Utensils: These were great in the beginning to load a spoon and let Luke feed himself. Obviously babies don’t know how to use spoons and forks yet so BLW encourages parents to preload spoons, set them on the tray and let the baby pick them up and feed themselves.

Bowls: These bowls are amazing and stick so well to the tray. Luke can’t rip them off. I am still trying to find plates that suction as well so I won’t be recommending any plates just yet.

Overall, we have really enjoyed this journey with Luke. He is an amazing eater and pretty much likes all food. Some days he eats more than others but more often than not, he eats more than me! If you have any questions or want to share any of your favorite products, let me know down below!

XOXO Channing

Must have Baby Products for 6-9 Months | Toys, Eating, and More!


Hey Guys!

I wanted to share some products that Luke loved from 6-9 months. During these months Luke learned to eat, transitioned to bathing while seated, and found some toys he is obsessed with.

Check out:

Newborn Must Haves: HERE

3-6 Months Must Haves: HERE

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First off lets talk about toys. I love toys that make Luke think and use his imagination. I prefer toys that don’t make noise or take batteries but Luke does have some favorites that make noise.

Tobbles: The first toy Luke loves are these Tobbles. They are basically weighted and stackable and teach him about stacking, and gravity. They are also fun to roll around and can be balanced in different ways.

Stacking Rings: Luke loves to play with these stacking rings. Each one is a different texture and the top comes off and becomes a rattle. This toy is perfect for hand eye coordination development and also can help teach colors.

Sorting Drum: This drum plays music and helps Luke to learn shapes, colors and animals. It amazes me how quickly Luke learned the shapes and he is obsessed with sorting the shapes and making the drum sing. You can also tap the drum to make a fun beat!



Luke learned how to eat at 6 months and he has been using many different things to aid in the process.

Munchkin Cup: This cup has been perfect in helping Luke to learn how to drink on his own. He can put his mouth anywhere on the rim and water will come out but it is spill proof which I love. He is obsessed with his cup and helps him get his daily water intake easily.

Smock Bib: I love these smock bibs for helping keep food off of Luke. These ones have a pocket in the front to catch any food that Luke drops and he loves reaching into it at the end of the meal to get all the extra goodies. They are also machine washable and come in a ton of cute prints.

Splat Mat: This mat has been amazing at making sure food doesn’t get on the floor when Luke is eating. He eats where there is carpet so this is a necessity for us. Even if we had hard floors I would still use this because it easily catches everything, and is also machine washable. I also take it to family parties where Luke might make a mess and can be used for crafts or water play outside as well.



Here are some more random items that Luke has been obsessed.

Bath Seat: Luke officially graduated from his newborn bath seat to one where he is sitting up. It took me forever to find one that supports him in the front and the back but this one is amazing. It comes in cute colors and also suctions to the bottom of the tub for extra sturdiness.

Teething Necklace: Luke has been wearing his amber necklace since he was 3 months old. He currently has 7 teeth and I am a first time Mom so I don’t have any experience not having a teething necklace but so far, none of his teeth seem to have bothered him alot when coming in. He would be extra drooly and sometimes a bit more crabby but they never kept him up at night or anything. It is important to put this necklace on them when they are younger (hence why I started at 3 months) because this helps them get used to wearing one so they don’t mess with it as they get older. Luke will probably wear his for at least a couple years.

Mickey Walker: This walker was our lifesaver for the past few months. Luke isn’t to have a little lounger seat in the kitchen to watch us while cooking but he outgrew it. We got this Mickey walker that sits him up but also has fun interactive toys. He didn’t figure out he could walk in it for a couple months which was great since I didn’t have to worry about him going any where lol Now he can push it around and he loves chasing our dog around the kitchen. We have even used this outside in the driveway before he could walk on his own.


How I Taught My Baby to Sleep Through The Night| Products I Used and Sleep Training Tips and Tricks


Hey Guys!

Today I wanted to share my story and some products that help Luke sleep through the night. I know all babies are different so please always talk to your pediatrician before beginning any formal sleep training.

Here is a little background on our sleep journey. When I was pregnant I read the book “Beyond Babywise” . It basically gave a lot of background information on things that can affect a babies sleep that I never thought of. It layed out different schedules for different ages and gives so much information about the science of sleep.


I won’t bore you with all the information but night sleep patterns start during the day time. Babies need to get as many calories during the day to fill their bellies for less wakings at night. Babies also need different amounts of daytime sleep at different ages and if they don’t get enough or get too much this can affect nighttime sleep. I use the website Taking Cara Babies which has free schedules you can look at and follow depending on your babies age. Check them out HERE.


Also keep in mind, babies aren’t robots. They will have good days/ nights and bad ones. I stressed a lot in the beginning about always putting Luke down at certain times and I would get so much anxiety if I didn’t hit the mark or if Luke wouldn’t fall asleep ASAP. Now that I have realized I can’t control him no matter how much I try, I cut myself and him a little slack. With that in mind, I track his sleeping, eating, and diapers with the Huckleberry app. I use the free version and after you enter data in for a couple weeks, it will start calculating and give you the “Sweet Spots” or the best times to put baby down for naps and for the night. I love this because it takes the guess work out of keeping track of times and I find it to be accurate most of the time.


I have been trying to practice good sleep habits since the day Luke came home. This does NOT mean I was sleep training from day 1, but I was setting Luke up to slowly build to become a good night sleeper. When I brought Luke home he was on a schedule of Eat, Awake, Sleep. This way he didn’t associate eating with sleeping which is a hard habit to break in the future (obviously this doesn’t apply to nighttime). He would eat every 3 hours like clockwork day and night which is very important for growth and development. During the day, he would nap in his bassinet in our room, with daylight streaming in and the door open so he would be able to learn day vs, night and get used to noise. This is important since infants don’t understand the difference.


Once Luke was 3 months, he was becoming more aware of his surroundings and sleeping a long stretch of 5 hours at night so we transitioned him to all naps and nighttime sleep in his crib in his room. Since he was more aware and alert to his surroundings, we made sure every nap and nighttime sleep was now done in a darkened room with a sound machine. The sound machine and darkness signal to him that it is time to sleep. By this age, Luke understood his days and nights so there was no need to differentiate them anymore. One fascinating fact I learned is the brain learns day and night sleep separately so a baby will usually do great with one before they learn the other. Luke learned night sleep before day sleep which was a huge blessing. Since the focus should be on learning night sleep, this is often learned first.


The sound machine we use is the Hatch Baby Rest. It is amazing because it has so many different sounds to use, has different light colors, different brightness levels and can also be used from an app on your phone. I currently have mine set to 2 different modes. The first has the white noise sound at a medium volume with dim red light. Red light doesn’t disrupt sleep so once Luke was older than 3 months I switched the light to this one so if I needed to see I could but it also wouldn’t affect his sleep. Before 3 months when I was nursing him throughout the night it was just a dim white light. The other mode that we have which it is on 90% of the time is just white noise at a loud volume. This helps to drown out any noise from the outside and also signal to Luke’s brain that it is time to sleep.


To make Luke’s room as dark as possible, I layered black out curtains from target and then added a travel blackout curtain that can suction to his window. It is under his blinds so you can’t see it but I love that it blocks every sliver of light that can stream in. It is also easy to put up and take down which will be perfect for any future travels.

Another amazing thing I have been using since we first brought Luke home is THIS portable nightlight. It is rechargeable and dimmable so it is perfect to carry around the nursery so you don’t have to turn on the overhead light. When Luke was tiny, I used it to give light when I would change his diaper and nurse. Now that he is older and I don’t change him at night, I keep it on the floor by his door to tap on when I go in to sooth him or put him down to sleep. It is such a soft light when it is at the lowest setting that it doesn’t affect his sleep at all.

Speaking of diaper changes, once we officially sleep trained Luke, this meant no more middle of the night diaper changes. Of course, if baby wakes up soaked or poops in their sleep please change them. Luke hasn’t pooped in his sleep since he was a couple months old so that doesn’t worry me. When we first started sleep training, Luke was starting to roll all around the crib in his sleep. This was causing his diaper to loosen up and pee to leak out. This would cause wet spots and make him wake up cold and wet. Not an ideal sleeping situation. I tried many different combos but the one I find works the best is what I like to call my “Diaper Sandwich”. I take an overnight diaper in 1 size up (currently using Huggies) then I put a spoosie pad in that diaper which is basically like a Maxi Pad for Babies. I make sure it is positioned mostly in the front for maximum absorption. If you have a boy, make sure his penis is facing down. Then I layer 1 more overnight diaper on top to seal it all in. I also slather on a thick layer of diaper cream to his behind before bed. This way any moisture that sits on his skin all night doesn’t irritate him and give him a rash. My favorite is THIS ONE. Make sure you pull the ruffles in the leg holes all the way out when the diaper is on. This catches leaks before they leave the diaper.


Around 3.5 months Luke went through the dreaded 4 month regression. Regressions happen when babies go through major developmental milestones and they can greatly impact an infants sleep. Before the regression, Luke was sleeping 5 hours then waking up for a feed then another 3 to 4 hours before waking up for the morning. Once the regression hit, he was waking up every 1.5 to 2 hours and I ended up sleeping with him in his room in his rocking chair for the whole month.

At around 4.5 months, my husband and I made the decision to start sleep training since it seemed the regression was passing. We were going to wait until 5 months since this is when most doctors recommend to start but we got the go ahead from our doctor. We decided on a gentle Cry It Out Method or Ferber. There are many sleep training methods out there so choose the one you feel most comfortable with. Our method had us put him to bed and if he starts crying/waking I set a timer for 6 minutes. After 6 minutes, we go in kiss him on the head and say “you are ok” and leave. Then repeat at 8 min and 10. My number 1 rule when you do these pop ins is keep them short and sweet and DO NOT turn on any lights. You don’t want to create any disruptions to the sleep environment and turning on a light would do this in a major way.

Many people have different opinions but if I feel that Luke is absolutely inconsolable, or has been crying on and off for an hour I will pick him up and rock him back to sleep. This barely happens but there are nights where he needs a few extra cuddles and this is OK.

The first 2 nights I made my husband do all the pop ins because the crying was breaking my heart and the smell of me would make Luke cry even harder. After seeing Luke respond so quickly to the training, I took over night 3 and he did amazing!

During this sleep training we also decided to transition Luke out of his swaddle and into a normal sleep sack which I thought would be another disaster but Luke actually was ready for the switch and did perfectly. We used the Halo Swaddle from day 1 and slowly transitioned to 1 arm out then both arms. Once he was sleeping with both arms out I bought a regular sleep sack and that is what we will use until about 2 years old.

I also breastfeed and was breastfeeding when I put him to bed and about 5 hours later when he would wake around midnight and then again when he would wake around 3. I wanted to cut out the middle of the night feed and move the midnight feed to a 10 pm dream feed. A dream feed is done 3 hours after you put baby down and done when they are still sleeping. When we first started training, Luke would cry for the feeding but I had to teach him not to cry for the feeding so I would wait until he fell back asleep or when there was a lull in the crying and quickly go in and feed him. This eventually taught him that crying at night didn’t result in being fed so he stopped crying for that feed. As for the 3 am feeding, I was going to start cutting the feed time down that way he stops getting used to it and drops it slowly, but one night I slept through through the feed by accident and Luke didn’t wake up so we cut it cold turkey. I made sure to get the go ahead from my pediatrician before I cut this feeding. We still do a dream feed and I am sure he is at the age where I can cut it but I like the extra feed to help drain me before bed and to give some extra cuddles

Luke currently goes down to bed between 7 and 8 depending on how his naps go during the day. He wakes between 6 and 7 am and usually rarely cries in the night anymore. If he does, it’s usually for his binky so I go in and pop it back in, or he just randomly cries for 1 minute and falls back asleep. We have had nights where I have to rock him back to sleep such as when he is teething or he has gas but I am thankful to say I have been sleeping in my bed every night and not in the chair in his nursery.

I know that the next regression is coming up soon so we shall see how our sleeping habits change but since I know Luke has the capability to sleep through the night and has already learned the skills, even if we have a bit of roughness, it will be easier to get him back on track.

If you have made it to the end of my long rambling I appreciate it! If you have any questions please feel free to leave them below!

XOXO Channing

6 Month Baby Update | Must Have Products for 6+ Months


Hey Guys!

I can’t believe Luke is 6 months old already! I feel like being pregnant was a lifetime ago. I can’t even imagine what life was like before Luke came along.


I wanted to share my go to products that I am still using and have started using for Luke. But first, here is a bit of an update on him.

He is so big and becoming such a little ham. His personality is starting to shine through and I love it. He loves to watch all the action and definitely gets FOMO very easily. He laughed for the first time and I started to cry. It is my favorite sound in the world. He is sitting up, and we also started on our Baby Led Weaning journey. This means he eats whatever my husband and I eat. We skipped baby foods all together. He is doing amazing and loves food! His favorite so far is cucumber and pulled meat.

We are still going strong on our breastfeeding journey. When I decided to breastfeed I gave myself a minimum goal of 6 months. I was going to try my hardest to do it for 6 months and if it was still difficult I would have stopped. But I am happy to report it is going amazingly. I am not going to lie, the first 4 months were extremely difficult. From latching difficulties, to oversupply issues, to hunger strikes and everything else under the sun, Luke and I had a tough start to our journey. Then one day when he was 4 months old he weaned himself from the nipple shield we used every day, and went from eating for 40 minutes every time to less than 10. Now we have more time for learning and playing.

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My husband and I also decided to sleep train Luke at 4.5 months. He went through a terrible 4 month regression and I spent months 3 and 4 basically sleeping in his rocker with him in my arms. Once we realized Luke didn’t want to be swaddled anymore and was capable of going all night without waking up for feedings (per the pediatrician) we decided to sleep train him using a gradual cry it out method. He caught on fast and by night 2 he has been sleeping for 11 to 12 hours. He is still doing this but I know a 6 month regression plus teething is coming so I hope it doesn’t affect him too much. I still hold him for all of his naps mostly because I miss the snuggles and I know that when I have my next child I won’t be able to snuggle like I can with Luke. But I do plan on nap training him in the next couple of months.


He is literally such an easy going angel boy and I can’t believe how lucky we are to call him ours.

Scroll down for the products that I swear by and have been using for months now.

-Halo Sleep Sack- We have been using these since Luke was in the hospital. We had a newborn size and now have 3 of the bigger sizes. We had some fleece ones for when it was colder out and have switched to cotton. These made transitioning from being swaddled so easy since you can have their arms in, 1 arm out and then both arms out. Luke is about to outgrow this and then we will move to the traditional sleepsack without torso compression.

-Haakaa- Since I am still on my breastfeeding journey I am still using and loving my Haakaa. I don’t pump anymore because I hated it. I just use this to catch my letdown on the opposite side Luke is nursing. I usually get 2 to 3 oz a day just from doing this. Since I rarely leave Luke this is the perfect amount to freeze and store when I do leave him.

-Binky Holder- This thing is a lifesaver for my binky loving bug. He loves his binky and this helps to keep it attached to him at all times and off the floor. It also has silicone beads on it that he loves to chew. I put it in the dishwasher and it cleans well. Plus it looks so cute.

-High Chair- We set up Luke’s high chair around 4 months so he could sit at the table with us and watch and observe us eating. This is one of the things to do to lead up to Baby Led Weaning. He loved being apart of meal times and saw us chewing and eating properly. This chair from Ikea is super inexpensive and so sleek looking. It is no fluff and easy to clean and you can buy an insert for when they are small to help prop them up. I also purchased a wooden footrest for the chair off of Etsy since this helps him have good posture and helps them not to choke since they are sitting up straight. We love it!

-Splat Mat- Since Luke is a messy eater, I use this mat to put under his highchair. It helps with easy cleanup. Since we have a smaller dining room I fold it up and put it away between meals. But it is cute enough to keep out all the time if I had the room. It also comes with a smock bib which we love for keeping food off of Luke’s clothes

-Activity Center- We also set this up when Luke was 4 months and he loves it! We call it his DJ booth haha. It is nice because it transitions as they get older from sitting in the middle, to being able to stand and play and then using it as a table with chairs.

-Diaper Genie- We have been using the Diaper Genie since Luke was born. I love that it is sleek looking and comes in a variety of colors to match the nursery. Ours is grey and blends in so nicely.

-Tummy Time Water Mat- Luke isn’t always a fan of tummy time. He usually would rather sit or stand with help. But this water mat keeps him occupied for a while. He loves hitting it and watching the fish move around inside.

-Overnight Diaper Pads- When we were sleep training Luke the problem we kept running into was leaking diapers. Since he was going 12 hours between a change I wanted to make sure he was dry and not leaking. I found these pads for his diaper and they are a game changer. He wear 1 regular diaper with the pad inside, then I slather on a thick layer of diaper cream and then put an overnight diaper on top. In the morning he is dry and the moisture is pulled away from him and he never has diaper rash.

-Drool Bibs- Since teething has started Luke is a drooling mess. Withing 30 minutes of me getting him dressed he will soak through his shirt. I bought this pack of drool bibs and they come in so many patterns and wash great. I love them!

-Portable Sound Machine- We use this when we are in the car, grocery shopping or when Luke takes a nap at his grandparents house. Since he sleeps at home with his sound machine, this one is perfect to create that mood anywhere.

-Sound Machine- Speaking of sound machines we still love our Hatch. We use it for every nap and nighttime sleep and I can’t live without it.

-Huckleberry App- This app is amazing for tracking feedings, diapers and sleep. It will then calculate the best time to put baby down for the next nap. Helps me make sure I am hitting the correct wake times for Luke. It also adjusts for his age and lets you know when you should start to transition to fewer naps and when to go to bed.

-Stretch mark Lotion- I didn’t get any stretch marks on my belly during pregnancy but I did get them on my thighs and love handle area. I used this cream everyday since giving birth and the marks are gone. I mix it in with my regular lotion and I am amazed at the results.

What's on my Baby’s Christmas List 2019 | 3 to 6 months

Hey guys!

Check out my post below on the products I have on Luke's Christmas list this year. Since he will be 3 months on Christmas Eve and doesn't really need anything at the moment, the items are geared more towards the future when he is a little older.

I included some learning toys, a tummy time water mat, bath supplies and a portable sound machine among other things! All items are available on Amazon Prime as well! Check them out HERE:


Must Have Products for Postpartum Healing| What Helped Me Bounce Back


Hey Guys!

Now that I am officially postpartum, I wanted to share the products I HIGHLY recommend getting to help make the healing process after birth a little easier. If you haven’t checked out my birth story, feel free to read it HERE.


A quick recap, I gave birth at 40 weeks and 2 days to an 8 lb 7 oz baby boy. It was a 36 hour long labor and he came out crooked which meant I had a 4th degree tear. So fun. All the products I am recommending I used and they helped a ton with getting me back to normal.

Before I get to the products, I just want to let you know that before you leave the hospital make sure you stock up on everything you can. When I was in the hospital I wore the ever sexy mesh underwear along with giant pads, ice packs, and witch hazel pads. These had to be changed frequently and the hospital provided all of this for me while I was there. I also had to use a spray bottle to rinse off down there since I couldn’t wipe and a pain releiving spray.

I recommend bringing an extra tote bag to fill with stuff before you check out of the hospital. My husband and I gathered up all the open packages of the things I was using and asked the nurse for extras. Don’t be afraid to ask! You end up paying for it all anyway so take it all. I was given extra ice packs, pads, sprays, absorbent bed pads as well as diapers and wipes for the baby. Oh yea, and many pairs of those super flattering mesh panties.


Since I had such a major tear, I went through the items that I got from the hospital quickly. I am happy to say that all the items I needed to have in order to heal were easily bought on Amazon. This is great because I didn’t have to leave home and they all arrived within 2 days.


Here are the products I recommend:

Disposable Underwear: I heard alot of women say they hated the mesh underwear in the hospital but honestly I loved them. They were nice and stretchy and comfortable and I wore them for a few days when I came home. After those ran out, I upgraded to the Disposable kind you can buy basically any wear. These weren’t as great as the mesh in my opinion but they got the job done. After wearing these for a week I finally switched over to regular full coverage underwear. Once you aren’t bleeding as much and don’t need to wear ice packs and giant pads, I recommend getting inexpensive full coverage underwear that is breathable and you don’t mind ruining.

Ultra Absorbent Pads: For the first couple of weeks you will be leaking and sore. I recommend getting at least a pack of ultra absorbent pads to wear especially at night. These will have added cushion to help make it more comfortable down there and when the bleeding lessens you can wear a pantyliner or thinner pad of your choosing.

Cooling Witch Hazel Pads: These are amazing at making down there feel great. These pads are great on their own or worn with an ice pack. When I was in the hospital and for a couple weeks when I got home I would make my “postpartum sandwich” which was a pad, ice pack, and then 3 or 4 of these. These helped cool the area as well as speed up healing thanks to the witch hazel. I had these in the hospital too so don’t be worried that the witch hazel isn’t good for healing.

Perennial Ice Packs: You will need ice packs down there for a couple weeks. They not only help with swelling, but they help sooth the pain and help cool down your body. I brought some home from the hospital but bought some more since I enjoyed them so much. I don’t need them anymore but I use the extras to put in my bra sometimes when my breasts are a bit sore from breastfeeding.

Numbing Spray: Another product you get in the hospital that I bought an extra of is Dermaplast Numbing spray. This spray is amazing at taking away any pain or itching you have down there while you are healing. It is also cooling so it offers instant relief.

Waterproof Mattress Protector: I bought this for my mattress in case my water broke in my bed. It didn’t break in my bed but I kept it on since I am breastfeeding and my breasts leak. I don’t want milk residue to get on my mattress so this helps to protect it and is easy to clean.

Nursing Friendly Clothes: I think it is super important to have high quality, and comfortable nursing bras and tanks if you will be breastfeeding. Since Breastfeeding can be stressful, I am happy I found a company that provides high quality pieces at inexpensive prices. All of my tanks and bras are from Leading Lady. They have a wide variety of bra styles, maternity wear, postpartum wear and even shape wear. I got all of my shape wear from them as well and it is all so comfortable. I am so happy with all their pieces that I am excited to be working with them to give my followers a 25% discount on all their products. Use code “25CHANNING” HERE.

Shop all of my Postpartum Must Haves easily HERE.

What are your postpartum must have products?

XOXO Channing

Newborn Must Have Products| Luke's 1 Month Update


Hey Guys!

Today I wanted to share my go to products that have helped me a ton this first month with my newborn. I use all of these products daily and they all come HIGHLY recommended.

Check out my Birth Story HERE

First I wanted to share with you a 1 month update on Luke. This first month has obviously had it’s ups and downs. From bringing home my first child, to postpartum healing, learning to breastfeed, and lack of sleep it has been difficult. The first 2 weeks were the hardest. I felt like I couldn’t get everything done, I was in pain, and I wasn’t sure if I was doing anything right.


Luckily 1 month in, we are all settling into our new routine. Not every day is easy, and I know that things will change, but we are all getting used to having a baby around and slowly forgetting what our lives were like before Luke came along.

Luke lost more than 10% of his weight after we left the hospital since my milk took a bit to come in so we have had some difficulty with feeding. He has to use a nipple shield since his tongue wasn’t working properly when he was born but we are slowly weaning him off of that at the moment. He also had to be supplemented with formula to help him gain weight and I am happy to say after a week and a half of supplementing we haven’t had to go back!


I have been doing the Baby Wise sleep training method since the day he came home from the hospital and so far it is working. I HIGHLY recommend checking out the book HERE. It basically sets them up on a routine/ schedule to help them get the most sleep possible since this helps their brains grow and also helps teach them the difference between day and night. Luke has been pretty good about the routine and pretty much wakes up every 2.5 to 3 hours on the dot to feed, play then go back to sleep. He is only a month old so I am not super paranoid about keeping the schedule and sometimes he just wants to sleep on Mom during the day and I let him. He is only little once and infant cuddles are the best.

Our dog Bruce has adjusted nicely to having a baby around. At first he was very curious and would get anxious when Luke would cry but now he just ignores the cries and loves to check on his brother when he sneezes, coos, or is just hanging out on the couch.


As for products, see below for the ones I swear by and links to purchase if you would like.

Haakaa: The Haakaa is a silicone suction device that you put on the opposite breast when you are breastfeeding and it catches the letdown that naturally happens. This letdown would otherwise leak into your breast pads or bra. On average during a feed I catch between 1 and 2 oz! It is amazing! I either feed it to Luke in a bottle if he is fussy after eating or I freeze it and add to my freezer stash. It is literally amazing and I will get it for every new Mom that is breastfeeding.

OXO Tot Space Saving Drying Rack: My kitchen is small and has limited counter space, so with bottles and pump supplies constantly being rinsed and cleaned throughout the day I needed something that doesn’t take up a lot of space but is also sleek looking. This drying rack doesn’t stick out a lot so it doesn’t take up a lot of my limited counter space and it has plenty of space to dry multiple bottles at a time. Even if you don’t use bottles, this is good for pump supplies and storage as well.

Kiinde Bottle Warmer: Since I had to supplement with formula I had to use a bottle warmer. This one heats the bottle up in 5 minutes and is so easy to use. You just fill it with water once and when you turn the timer on it circulates the water evenly so there are no hot spots in the bottle. Plus I love the sleek white design.

Halo Sleep Sack: The hospital that Luke was born in used a Halo Sleep Sack for swaddling so we decided to purchase a couple when he came home. He loves them and they are so easy to use! All you do is zip them up inside and wrap the 2 Velcro sides around and BOOM you have a perfect swaddle. I don’t have to worry about wrapping him perfectly and the zipper can zip from the top or bottom so it makes middle of the night diaper changing a breeze. Luke loves it and instantly falls asleep in it! I am linking the fleece one since I live in a cold climate at the moment but they also come in lightweight cotton. They also come in multiple sizes as well. We have a newborn size as well as a size small at the moment. Also, the patterns they come in are so cute!

Boppy Pillow: I took my Boppy Pillow to the hospital because a lot of people told me it would help with learning to breastfeed and positioning. I am so glad I brought it. I love the Boppy pillow because it can grow with the baby. You can use it for feeding, propping baby up, and tummy time. Plus it comes with many different cover options. I currently only use it for propping Luke up as it is a bit bulky for using in the chair that I currently nurse in. Once I get more comfortable nursing in other places around the house, I will probably start using it for feeding again.

My Brest Friend Pillow: This is the pillow I currently use for nursing. I like it because it isn’t as bulky so it is easy to use in my rocker chair. It has a flat top surface and clips around the waist for easy adjustment during feeding. It is made from super soft but firm foam and the cover is removable and washable. I am so glad I have this and the Boppy. This also has a pouch on the side to hold you phone, snacks, or a water bottle.

Hatch Baby Light and Sound Machine: Luke sleeps in my room but when we nurse we go into his room. At night I don’t like to turn on lights to wake him up too much so every night before bed I turn this light on in his room along with the white noise. I keep it on all night that way I am not fumbling around in the dark. The Hatch Baby is awesome because it can connect with an app to your phone so you can turn it on with your phone before you enter the room if you want. You can also have different programs with different lights and sounds, as well as adjust the brightness. Right now I currently have it with the white light that is dimmable with the white noise and when I am rocking Luke back to sleep I turn it off and have the white noise on a bit louder. When Luke naps in his crib, I also turn it on with just the loud white noise and it helps him sleep better.

Portable LED nightlight: Since I have to walk from my room to Luke’s room during the night, I use another nightlight. I keep this one next to my nightstand and what I like about it is that it is rechargeable and wireless. All I do is double tap on the top and a dim light comes on. If you touch and hold the top the light can get brighter or dimmer depending on your preference. This is perfect for using to check on the baby or walking to another room at night because it is lightweight, small and you don’t have to turn on any harsh overhead or lamp lights. Once I am in Luke’s room with the Hatch light on, I place this one on his changing table so I can see what I am doing while changing him but also not blinding him with light. This would also be great for traveling as well since it is small and doesn’t need to be plugged into a wall.

Washable changing pad: I HIGHLY recommend skipping a changing pad with a cover and getting this one. I know that covers are cute but honestly, 9 times out of 10 your baby will pee when you change its diaper and getting that on a cover and constantly having to wash it just sounds like a pain. I like this pad because it easily wipes clean and is waterproof. The only downside to not having a cover is that it gets cold and babies don’t like that but I just put a paper towel under Luke at night and he seems to fuss less. Honestly I am fine with him being a little cold since it means I don’t have to constantly wash a changing pad.


Those are all my current Must Have products for my Newborn. Let me know what you recommend I get for each new stage in Luke’s life. I am always open to suggestions!

XOXO Channing

Luke's Birth Story| My Labor and Delivery Experience


Hey Guys! Today I wanted to share my labor and delivery story with you!

Check out my trimester recaps below:

1st: HERE

2nd: HERE

3rd: HERE

My due date was September 21, 2019. I was always convinced I would go 2-4 weeks early. My Mom went a month early with me and since I had a few health complications during my pregnancy, I was convinced. When I went in for my 36 week checkup, I was 1.5 cm dilated and my Doctor predicted he would be here in about 2 weeks, so 2 weeks early! I was excited and nervous!

Well 2 weeks passed, and at my 38 week checkup I was barely 2 cm so it didn’t seem like he was coming very soon. My doctor offered to do a membrane sweep to “speed things up” but I declined. I wanted my Son to come when he was ready.

Well, 2 more weeks went by and a couple days before my due date I went to the Doctor again and I was still only 2 cm dilated. She wasn’t worried and again offered a sweep but I declined. Since it wasn’t medically necessary I decided to let nature run its course.


The day before my due date I had a ton of cramping that felt like menstrual cramps. I thought they were contractions but they went away and on the day of my due date I felt fine. I guess Little Man was nice and comfy inside my belly.

My husband and I took the weekend to finish up any last minute things before he would come along. We did a lot of walking and resting and just hanging out with us and Bruce our dog. Any random pain I would get I would start Googling to see if it was the start of labor. My husband said he wishes he could ban me from Google lol.

Finally things started to progress. At 3 am Monday morning I woke up with cramping again. This cramping felt different though. It would start in my back and wrap around my abs really tight for a few seconds every 10 minutes or so. It wasn’t painful, yet, but definitely uncomfortable and very different then the cramping I had before.

Since it wasn’t super painful, I decided to just sleep on the couch as to not disturb my husband and see if they would go away on their own. When he got up around 6 am they were still happening. They weren’t getting worse pain wise, but also weren’t getting better. I sent him off to work and he took Bruce to boarding just in case this ended up being it.

I googled what contractions felt like and these seemed to be real. They start in the back and circle around the abs and get really tight then the pain goes away. It was nice since in between contractions I could rest and not be in pain.

At about 11 am everything stopped. I got a burst of energy and cleaned my entire house. I guess this is normal for some people and is part of nesting. My husband decided to come home around 1 and the contractions started back up again. They still weren’t painful but the tightness would stop me in my tracks.

We decided to go on a walk to help speed things along. I am not sure if it helped but it was nice to get out of the house and enjoy a beautiful day.

At about 5 pm, things started to get more intense. The contractions were coming about every 7 to 8 minutes and building in intensity so my husband and I decided to make and eat dinner just in case this was real and we would run out of time to eat.

By about 7 pm, they were getting pretty intense. I called the hospital and they told me to wait until the contractions are 5 minutes apart for 1 minute in length and for over 1 hour. By about 8:30 they were 6 min apart and lasting 2 minutes but the hospital still told me to wait. Finally at about 10 pm I had had enough. The contractions were so bad and painful I called and said they were 5 minutes apart and they told me to come on in.

Luckily we had our suitcases packed already (check out what I packed HERE) so we loaded up the car and hit the road. As soon as we got to the hospital they took me into the triage room where they are supposed to check and monitor you for about an hour to see if you really need to be checked in.

I barely got into the room and got checked and even though I was only 3 cm dilated the nurse acted like I was going to give birth soon so she rushed me into our room and called the anesthesiologist for my epidural. I got hooked up to the machine and the anesthesiologist came in.

They didn’t give me the option to wait as they said I was progressing quickly. I was actually pretty terrified to get the epidural because a needle going in my spine made me uncomfortable but honestly I didn’t even feel it. Within 15 minutes I couldn’t feel anything from my waist down and it was amazing. I felt awesome! The contraction pain immediately went away and I felt relaxed and warm.

The epidural for some reason slowed down my progression so I wasn’t dilating as quickly. This was at about midnight so the nurse set my husband and I up for the night and told us to get some rest. Since I couldn’t feel any pain I got a couple hours of sleep.

The only thing that kept going wrong was my blood pressure kept dropping and my heart rate kept racing. I have low blood pressure before and during pregnancy and at one point during the night my blood pressure was 88! My husband also didn’t get much sleep since the first night they only gave him an uncomfortable chair to sleep in. Luckily the next 2 nights they brought in a bed for him.

At about 5:30 am, I sent my husband to eat some breakfast, even though I couldn’t eat, and the doctor came in to break my water to speed up the process. At this point I was still feeling good but I was very hungry.

At about 10 or 11 am the scariest thing happened. I was about 9 cm dilated and preparing to start practice pushing and I could feel every contraction again. I started freaking out because it was very painful. I told the nurse something was wrong and the epidural must not be working and she at first didn’t believe me.

They checked my back and it was still in so she didn’t understand why I was feeling so much pain. Finally after insisting something was wrong, they checked my IV bag that the epidural medicine was hooked up to and saw that it was unhooked and had leaked all over the floor.

This must have been going on for hours because after I gave birth, I couldn’t feel my legs or anything for at least 4 hours. They called the anesthesiologist who rushed in to give me another bag and I felt relief again. Although after that scare, my husband and I were paranoid it would happen again so we would constantly check the connection every minute.

Finally I was 10 cm dilated and it was time to practice pushing. At this point I hadn’t eaten since 5 pm the night before and it was now noon. I was so hungry I didn’t have any energy to push. I also started throwing up. This meant I had to receive medicine and take a break from pushing. I took a little nap and at about 1 pm woke up ready to push again. But again I started throwing up and had to receive more medicine. I was begging for just 1 bite of food but wasn’t allowed.

Finally at about 1:30 it was time to get him out. I was feeling less nausea and I got the urge to push that they talk about. I started to push but since I had the epidural, I couldn’t really feel if I was pushing the correct way or not.

They offered a mirror for me to see and at first I didn’t want it since I thought it would be crazy to look at and make me more anxious but finally I said OK. You only have the mirror there for the practice pushes not the whole process and honestly it was amazing. I could see his head poking out along with his hair and it was so amazing to see. It helped motivate me for sure!

After about 45 min of practice pushing I couldn’t do it anymore. I was tired, hungry, baby’s heart rate was dropping, and I needed an oxygen mask. I physically couldn’t do it anymore. The nurses and doctors were so motivating and my amazing husband helped me push him out. When I felt the urge to push, I would curl up my entire body and my husband would put his arms around me and pull me up so I could push. It was a team effort and I don’t think I would have been able to do it without him.

At this point it was about 2:30 pm and my epidural beeped that it had less than an hour left. The nurse informed me they wouldn’t be refilling the bag so I mustered up all my strength and forced that baby out.

At 2:58 pm, my baby boy was born. Honestly that moment was a blur. There was no pain, but when he came out I fell like I blacked out. They placed him on my chest and my husband and I cried. After 36 hours of labor he was finally here and he was perfect. 40 weeks and 2 days later, my Luke Michael was finally in my arms.

My husband informed me of the next bit of information since I was so out of it. He said Luke had an abnormally long umbilical cord which I later found out could have caused a lot of complications but I am so thankful it didn’t. We also found out the reason it was taking so long was Luke was crooked and coming out crooked and finally turned at the last second as he was coming out so his head was a bit crooked but thankfully this went away within 2 days.


He also was a big boy at 8 lbs. 7 oz. I measured small my entire pregnancy and had to have an extra ultrasound to make sure he was growing correctly. I figured he would be barely 7 lbs. so having an 8 lb. baby was a shock! Since he was so big and came out crooked, I did have a 4th degree tear which is apparently the worst. Once I heard this I was a bit upset but I figured there was nothing I could do about it.

After we tried feeding and had about 2 hours of skin to skin, they wiped him off and swaddled him and I could finally order food to eat which made me very happy.

We stayed in the hospital for the next 2 nights as I tried to get the hang of breastfeeding as well as healing from my tear. I could barely move or stand up and my bathroom routine lasted almost 10 minutes each time. This made my husband and I extremely stressed to go home as I would obviously need to be able to move when I got home. I also started googling 4th degree tears and the results didn’t help much.

I must say after about 5 days I felt pretty much back to normal. I am 3 weeks post-partum today and still have a bit of bleeding and cramping but nothing compared to those first few days after birth.


I will have a blog post up about my post-partum must haves soon so stay tuned for that.

Now that we are 3 weeks in everything is starting to feel normal. I went to the doctor today and have lost 17 lbs and have about 13 more to go. I am not focusing on the numbers but how I feel and look and I feel like I look pretty great!

There are obviously highs and lows, and I cried more the first week than I had my whole pregnancy, but each day it is getting better. My husband is back to work full time, and I stay home with the dog and baby. I don’t know how Moms find the time to do everything each day such as feeding, pumping, taking care of themselves, eating, and socializing but I am determined to find the balance.

The other random thing that I have noticed since giving birth is my appetite is gone. I have a very high metabolism so I am used to being hungry and needing to eat every couple hours but since Luke’s birth I haven’t had much of an appetite. I force myself to eat but would rather sleep.

Overall, the experience was definitely memorable and I am so thankful that my baby and I came out happy, and healthy. I do miss my big old pregnant belly though and can’t wait until I have one again!

XOXO Channing

Pregnancy Subscription Box Unboxing with Oh Baby Boxes| Boxes for Pregnancy and Postpartum


Hey Guys!

As I am writing this, it is the day before my due date! Ahhh! So I am definitely in the mood to pamper myself a bit tonight. I received the Oh Baby Boxes Pregnancy subscription box and I can’t wait to share all the goodies with you!

This is a pregnancy subscription box that is $39.99 a month and promises over $100 worth of items related to your pregnancy that help to relax, pamper, and get you ready for motherhood. Each box is custom curated for each Mom to be depending on the stage you are at in your pregnancy which I love! The other perk is once you have entered postpartum. Oh Baby Boxes automatically starts sending you postpartum items to help pamper and heal your body, mind, and spirit. You receive 4-6 full sized products and all are healthy and natural so you don’t have to worry! My box is worth over $130!


I unboxed this box on my Stories under “Unboxings” on Instagram if you would like to check it out HERE.

Check out each individual item I received below and subscribe to Oh Baby Boxes HERE.


Oh Baby Boxes | Baby Mama Maternity Tank | $25

This tank top is super soft, flowy and cute! I love that it says Baby Mama so I am able to wear it during and after pregnancy. I live in tanks like this and will be sleeping in this as well as lounging around the house in it when baby comes. Because it isn’t skin tight, I also think it will be easy to lift up for nursing. I also love the black color.


Kocostar| Lemon Slice Mask| $5

I love face masks! Whether they are regular, peel off or sheet masks, I am always down to applying one and relaxing. This one is super cute and lemon themed and promises to help clarify the skin as well as add radience which I am sure I will need soon. This mask is unique becuase instead of being 1 full face sheet mask, it is 12 lemon slice sizes that can be applied to certain places to target the skin with Vitamin C. Vitmain C is great for clarifying as well as fading post acne spots which I suffer from on my cheeks so these are perfect to apply to that area.

Get 20% off the mask with code “OHBABY20” HERE


Belli Skincare} Belli Stretchmark Minimizing Cream | $29

I have thankfully not gotten any stretchmarks during pregnancy but I have heard that after pregnancy you can still get them. I have heard amazing things about the Belli brand, so I can’t wait to use this cream. I have been diligent about applying another brand of stretchmark cream throughout my pregnancy and that one is about to run out so this one came at the perfect time. I love that this cream is hypoallergenic, rich, and gentle.

Get 20% off the cream with code “OHBABY20” HERE


Measurable Difference| Lavender Lav-ish Detox Coconut Milk Bathbomb| $10

I love baths and bathbombs, so when I saw this coconut infused one I got very excited. It smells amazing, and coconut milk helps leave skin soft and supple which is a must during pregnancy. I have been taking baths my entire pregnancy as they help relax and unwind my body as well as help my sore back muscles. I highly recommend picking up some bath bombs to help relax your body before and after baby arrives.

Use code “OHBABY20” for 20% off HERE


Maskeraide| Spotted Detoxifying Blemish Patches| $6

At the beginning of my pregnancy my skin was a mess! My hormonal changes definitely reaked havoc on my skin in the form of cystic acne. Thankfully I was able to clear it up (Check out my blog post about it HERE) but I am preparing myself for more imbalance and breakouts after I give birth. I have used patches like these in the past and have loved them! They are so easy to stick on a trouble spot overnight and I don’t have to worry about them coming off or getting a heavy cream on my sheets or pillow. These ones are infused with tea tree oil, salicylic acid, and volcanic ash to help draw out the impurities.

Get 20% of with code “OHBABY20” HERE


Xpand| Xpand Original No- Tie Lacing System| $9.99

These are genius! I love that these laces can be put onto any shoe to make them slip on easily! I have a pair of tennis shoes that have laces like this and I have been loving them ever since my bump started getting bigger. I can’t wait to add these to my black Nike shoes and even after pregnancy, these will be useful for when I am healing or need to get out the door quickly. I wish I would have gotten them sooner. I highly recommend getting these because trust me, once the bump comes, tying your shoes is a pain in the butt!


Flower Mill| Balm Shell Facial Cleansing Balm| $42

I love using cleansing balms to remove my makeup before an exfoliater. I love that this purifies, and refreshes the skin without over drying it. It is also all natural, organic, and vegan which is great for pregnancy! A little goes a long way and will last you a long time.

Get 15% off with code “OHBABY” HERE 


Nellie’s| 15 Load Laundry Powder"| $6

Ever since my husband and I started our conception journey, I switched our detergents over to all natural and fragrance free. This is also how I have washed all the babies clothing, sheets, and blankets. This laundry powder isn’t filled with nasty chemicals, and only has 4 ingredients! I love that it is all natural, non toxic and can be used in hot or cold water. I can’t wait to use it!

Overall, I think this box is AMAZING! I love that it includes all full sized high value products, and the fact that each box is tailored to your individual pregnancy journey. I also love the emphasis on healthy and clean products and I think this would make a great gift to give yourself or a Mom to Be in your life.

Sign up for Oh Baby Boxes HERE

My Pregnancy Journey: 3rd Trimester Recap || Must Have Products!


Hey Guys!

Today I wanted to share my 3rd Trimester journey and all the products that helped get me through it.

The 3rd Trimester brought me many challenges, especially health wise, that I will touch on but overall this entire pregnancy has been wonderful.


Read About my 1st Trimester HERE.

Read About my 2nd Trimester HERE

While my first 2 trimesters were very mild compared to other pregnant women I have talked to, my 3rd basically made up for that. It seemed like all the symptoms I was missing out on all came together at once which made my pregnancy feel very real.

Up until about week 28, I still wasn’t showing, so I didn’t quite feel pregnant yet. That all changed at week 29 when basically everything hit the fan. I woke up one morning before work and just felt off. I couldn’t put my finger on what it was but figured it was just a normal pregnancy symptom. I got ready and took my dog on his morning walk just like I do every morning. I was abnormally hot during the walk which is unusual for me since I am always freezing and when I got back to my yard a blackness came over my eyes and I almost passed out. I had to sit for a while before it went away. I decided to head into work but had to leave early because I just felt run down and not myself. I went to the doctor the following day and they determined that my blood pressure was the cause of this. It was 90/60 I believe which is low. I have always had low blood pressure and it usually gets higher during pregnancy but mine wasn’t doing that. My doctor suggested compression stockings, Gatorade, and water and my symptoms seemed to improve the next couple of weeks.

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BUMPDATE// I haven't really shared a Bumpdate so I wanted to share one after my 32 week Dr. Appointment today. • About 4 weeks ago things took a minor turn. Before that, my pregnancy was smooth sailing and very mild compared to others. • I started having dizzy/black out episodes, feeling faint and overall not myself. • Turns out my Low Blood Pressure was still low even during pregnancy (about 90/65) and this was causing my symptoms. • I was also diagnosed with Anemia which didn't help my energy levels.• I was in a minor car accident due to my symptoms so my Husband and I decided it was time for me to stop working. • It has been a blessing being able to rest and prepare for little man. • About 2 weeks ago at my routine doctor appointment, my doctor was a little worried that I was measuring small. • She ordered another ultrasound that we had today which confirmed that he is actually right on target for size and weight and its just me who is small. • These extra 24 pounds (4 of which are little man) are taking their toll on my back and I am having some major round ligament paim, but just watching him move around in my belly makes it all worth it• I am so truly blessed I get to experience this journey and can't wait until we meet him soon 💙💙💙 . . . . . #ltkbump #bumpdate #32weekspregnant #pregnancyjourney #ohioblogger #clevelandblogger #clevelandbloggers #liketoknowit #clevelandmom #ohiomom #momtobe #bumpviews #liketoknowitbaby #liketoknowitfamily #firsttimemom #pregnancyupdate #ultrasounds #pregnantjourney #maternity #8monthspregnant #itsaboy #boymom

A post shared by Channing || Cleveland Blogger (@channing.couture) on

A couple weeks went by and I was out and about for work and all of a sudden I got hot and dizzy again. I didn’t want to be stranded at work so I left early to beat the traffic and to go home and lie down. Well, I ended up crashing my car into the pole in my garage (still not sure how it happened) and at this point my doctor, husband, and I decided I needed to rest and start working part time. When I brought this up to my boss, she didn’t agree and basically said the next day would be my last day. It was bittersweet, but being able to rest and prepare these last 10 weeks has been a blessing. We also got to have 3 ultrasounds instead of the normal 2 because Little Man was measuring small. I can’t say I was surprised since I wasn’t really gaining weight and didn’t have a belly for all the the 2nd trimester but I am happy to report Little Man is right on target and it is just me who measures small. My doctor isn’t worried though because I am tall and have a long torso and she decided this is just how my body grows.


Because of these symptoms, I went in for some blood work and they found that my levels were low and I had anemia. This mixed with my blood pressure that was still low, and the sweltering summer heat, was not a good combination on my body. I had to go on Iron pills and take it easy but I am happy to say as of today (38 weeks) I rarely get the dizzy spells, and spend my days preparing for baby boy’s arrival and resting, or at least attempting to rest.

Another symptom that has made a huge impact on my everyday life is back pain. I have scoliosis and having a giant belly isn’t making that pain any better. The pain impacts my sleep, walking around, and even just sitting. I finally purchased a weight belt to help redistribute the weight from my belly and sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn’t. I also spend alot of time laying on an ice pack. I try to only take Tylenol when it is excruciating but I am just counting my blessings knowing that the pain could be alot worse.


I am still struggling to sleep on my side. Pretty much every position hurts my back or my legs cramp up or my arms fall asleep. I did cave and get a pregnancy pillow and I will say it has helped alot. Some nights I sleep for 10 hours straight no problem, while others are filled with pain. I think this is just a normal pregnancy thing but I do recommend getting a pillow.


Now onto the positives. I am IN LOVE with my belly. I rub it, stare at it and show it off constantly. Everyone calls it my basketball because it is so small and round. Everyone is so nice when I go out and about running errands which is a definite perk when you are finally showing. I will admit I am not looking forward to losing my belly as I have grown to love it. I love watching Little Man move around and let me tell you, he is one active boy! They say the further along you go the less they move but my guy likes to challenge that as he is constantly moving and kicking me in the rib cage and bladder.

His head is down which is awesome and his heartbeat is super strong every-time we go to the doctor. I was checked at 36 weeks to see if I was dilated and I was at a 1.5 cm. I could feel something happening that week indicating that he was “knocking” at the door. I had lightning crotch which is a terrible name but that is what it felt like. The doctor said it is basically his head hitting my cervix and it feels like a bolt of lightning down there. It has gone away and been replaced by period like cramps.


These come and go and aren’t consistent but I think Little Man is coming soon. Hubby and I are pretty much prepared as we have installed the car seat, cleaned my pump supplies (which I HIGHLY recommend doing before baby comes) and the nursery is finished. All his clothes are washed and organized and put away and my hospital bags are packed.

Check out my what I packed in my Hospital bag HERE.

Check out the breastfeeding storage kit I recommend HERE.

We have chosen a name but aren’t telling anyone yet just in case we change our minds.

Overall, even with all the “problems” I had this trimester, I wouldn’t change it for the world and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I feel so beautiful being pregnant and even though I am so excited to meet our little guy, I know I will miss this short period of my life.

What's in My Hospital Bag| First Time Mom Essentials


Hey Guys!

Today I wanted to share what I am packing for myself and Baby Boy for the hospital. I will be doing an updated post on what I actually ended up using as well. If I forgot anything important please let me know in the comments below. As I am writing this I am 36 weeks pregnant and 1 1/2 cm dilated! My doctor and I are both guessing he will come about 2 weeks early which is crazy!


My Husband and I decided we are taking a carry on for me, a backpack or duffel for him and a tote bag for my pumping supplies. I will link as many of the exact products below as possible just in case you are interested in anything.

I will also have a video on my Instagram Stories under “Baby Things” showing me packing my bags and more in depth information about everything so check out my Instagram HERE.


We don’t plan on really taking anything for the baby since the hospital provides everything so we are leaving his diaper bag at home. I have also heard to bring an extra empty canvas bag and folder to take home all the supplies from the hospital you can (you pay for them so take everything) and to keep all the paperwork you get inside.



I didn’t end up packing my husband’s bag (he did it himself) but it basically includes clothes, blankets, pillow, chargers and toiletries. Nothing special.

I have also heard to bring snacks for you both just in case the kitchen is closed as well as gum, mints to suck on and change for vending machines.

Let me know if there is anything essential that I forgot! XOXO Channing

Breastfeeding Made Easy Featuring Kiinde Twist Set| Storage, Warming, and Feeding


Hey Guys!

Today I wanted to share some products from the brand Kiinde to help other Mom’s like me on their breastfeeding journey. I will also have a code at the end to get a FREE breastfeeding starter kit so please stick around. I also have a video on my Instagram under my “Baby” tab showing me unboxing the Twist Gift Set I will be talking about so if you would like to see my talk through please check out my Instagram HERE.


Let me share a bit of information on my breastfeeding journey. I am a first time Mom due September 21st and am very interested in breastfeeding. My goal is to breastfeed a minimum of 6 months and wean at about a year. This being said, I am not against formula, supplementing with formula or pumping and using a bottle to allow others to feed the baby. In my opinion, fed is best. I already have a pump, and I am very open to pumping and feeding from a bottle so my husband and family can help with feedings so I have been on the hunt to find a system that would allow this process to happen easily.


I have been looking for products that will help my breastfeeding journey and making it easier and Kiinde was nice enough to send me their Twist Gift Set. It is the perfect set to give a new mother or get for yourself. This set comes with everything needed to help with breastfeeding, formula feeding and even includes an attachment for food pouches when babies reach that age.


What I like about the Twist set is that it is a revolutionary system that allows me to pump directly into a pouch and then insert into a bottle for easy feeding. This helps to eliminate milk transfer, and helps to kept washing to a minimum since there aren’t any extra bottles or containers. This also helps to eliminate milk loss and exposure to germs. The set comes with different nipples depending on babies age also.


Check out the video below to see how the system works.

I also like that you don’t need a special pump to use this system. I have the Medela system and it works great with it! Many other popular pumps are also able to be used with this system which I think is amazing! I love that you don’t have to buy or use a specific pump to use the Kiinde system.

The gift set is amazing because it includes so many useful things from storage pouches, pump adapters, bag storage holder (which I love for space saving in the fridge or freezer), bottle warmer with timer, bottles, different nipple sizes, cleaning brushes, and a food attachment.


What I also love about the system are the Twist Active Latch Nipples that are designed to reward a deep latch so that baby learns proper latching. This helps to discourage a “lazy” latch and help the transition between breast and bottle.


Other things I like about the Twist set are that the pouches are recyclable, BPA, phalate, and PVC free which is very important. And everything is dishwasher safe which is great for this lazy Mom!

This system makes me very excited to start on my breastfeeding journey because I feel it will help me be more successful and reach my goals. I know breastfeeding will be a difficult journey and anything that will help me or other Mom’s is a Win Win! I will be a stay at home Mom, but this system would also help Moms who work outside of the home make the transition easier. Since there is less clean up, they have more time to feed and spend time with their baby.

If you are interested in the Twist Gift Set for you or a Mom in your life, Check it out HERE.


If you would like a FREE Breastfeeding Starter Kit, Check it out HERE


Are you a breastfeeding Mom or Soon to be one? What is your go to product to make the process easier? XOXO Channing

My Pregnancy Journey: 2nd Trimester Recap, Must Have Products!


Hey Guys!

Today I wanted to share with you my 2nd Trimester and all the products I recommend to get you through it. The 2nd trimester has definitely brought along new feelings, new wardrobe needs, and a new energy level which I have enjoyed. I will have links to any products I recommend below as well as pictures to help you see them. If you haven’t ready my post about my 1st Trimester, Read it HERE.


I remember being at one of my first appointments talking to the nurse about how tired I was feeling and she said, “Just wait until the 2nd trimester, you will have all this energy and be so motivated” and I laughed thinking she was crazy. But she was right!

Probably at about weeks 16 weeks or so, it was like a veil was lifted and I suddenly felt like myself again. The energy and motivation came back and I felt like my normal self again. I didn’t feel like I was pregnant for most of the 2nd trimester because my symptoms disappeared and I wasn’t showing. It was so weird!

Up until about week 22, I was wearing my normal clothes. Some days I would get randomly bloated and this pant extender from Amazon was a real lifesaver. It fit right through my belt loops and is adjustable so I can use it through my whole pregnancy. This helped me in the transition to full on maternity pants when my belly wasn’t big enough to fill them out just yet.

Speaking of maternity clothes, as mentioned above, I didn’t really start showing until about week 23, My belly popped one day and it was amazing! I love looking at it and seeing the baby grow. I don’t plan on investing too much in maternity clothes since I feel like I still fit into all my normal tops, but I did pick up a few pairs of pants. The belt extender is great but once you enter the world of comfortable maternity pants it is hard to go back. I prefer pants with the full panel vs just side panels. I feel they stay up better, offer more support and are more comfortable.

The first store I hit up for maternity pants was Target. I decided to purchase 2 pairs of jeans from the Ingrid and Isabel Maternity line, 1 plain and 1 slightly distressed. I got my normal size as indicated on the label and at first they were a bit big in the stomach area but as my stomach has grown, they are fitting better. They have great stretch and are so comfortable for all day wear. You can also fold down the panel if you don’t want to wear it covering your belly all day.

The second store I went to was Walmart. They have an extensive line of maternity wear online and it is all so affordable. I needed to get some pants for work so I purchased the most comfortable black pants, maroon pants, and olive pants. They are all full panel over the stomach, inexpensive but still look and feel high quality. I also purchased a 2 pack of t shirts in white and grey that show off the belly. I wasn’t planning on getting any maternity shirts since I wear mostly loose tops any way that still fit but I wanted a couple tight ones just to show off sometimes. These are so soft and stretchy and wash really well.

I also recently attended a casual wedding reception and wore a red striped maternity dress ( see below) that is also nursing friendly and I loved it. It was super comfortable, midi length and showed off my bump without being overly tight. It also comes in Navy which I might pick up next.. Also it is less than $10!

Aside from maternity clothes, I have been on the hunt for nursing bras. I hate wearing bras in general so I was looking for ones that are Underwire free, easy to use and comfortable. So far I have purchased about 7 different styles from Leading Lady and am loving all of them. Obviously I haven’t used them for their intended purpose of nursing but they all feel super comfortable and I love the variety that Leading Lady carries. I have gotten a couple “normal” looking ones, sleep ones, and even some lacy ones. They also carry regular bras, nursing tanks, maternity leggings and shape wear. If you want to see my haul check out my InstaStories under 2nd Trimester for a more in depth look. Leading Lady has amazing prices already but if you want to save more, feel free to use code “LL80SAVE30” to save an additional 30%.

The most fun thing about the 2nd trimester is finding out the gender of your baby if you choose! My husband and I wanted to find out since the day the test read positive so when we went in for our 19 week appointment we were really excited. I felt like it was a girl and his guess was a boy. Obviously we both didn’t care either way as long as it was healthy. But we are having a…..BOY! We are both so excited to meet our little man and are currently in the process of picking a name and decorating his nursery. We had a small gender reveal dinner with our parents where we purchased a balloon and confetti set off of Amazon and popped it for them. It was really fun and everyone was so excited.


The other most exciting thing about the 2nd trimester is feeling him kick! I remember people telling me it feels like tiny gas bubbles, and you won’t know if it is the baby or not but I disagree. I remember feeling him for the first time and it felt unlike anything I have felt before. I was laying in bed and I felt this poke from the inside right next to my belly button. It caught me by surprise but I knew it was him. The rest of the night it was constant and ever since then he hasn’t slowed down. Many people told me it doesn’t get big enough to really see or feel through the stomach until the 3rd trimester but I have been catching him on camera and my husband has felt and seen him kick since about 20 weeks. Even at this moment he is kicking. He is one active boy! I love it though and any chance I get to touch him or watch him move around in there I do. It is amazing!


Now that I am at the end of my 2nd trimester I am slowly starting to feel the tiredness creep back in. I also have been getting Braxton Hicks contractions which feel crazy and tight but not painful. I find that if I stay hydrated they don’t come as often.

I have gained approx 10 lbs and my Dr. said little man and I are growing right on target. I haven’t been the best at doing my workouts but I do take at least 2 walks a day which is good.

Since my belly is finally starting to show, I have begun the transition from sleeping on my stomach to my side and it stinks! I don’t know how people sleep like that. I find that I am most comfortable on my back now which I have heard can be bad but I also heard the baby will let you know when it is time to roll over. Sometimes I wake up and my stomach is tight so I roll onto my side and then it feels fine.

Now I am in the process of organizing the nursery, preparing for my shower, taking birthing classes, and making my registry. I plan on writing a blog post about these topics so please leave your questions below. Also, let me know if you want me to write about anything else.

XOX Channing

Comfortable and Affordable Nursing Bras from Leading Lady Bras| Nursing Bras


Hey Guys!

Today I wanted to share with you a nursing bra that is comfortable, stylish and also super affordable! As someone who is an avid non bra wearer I was a bit nervous when it came to looking for nursing bras. I thought they would all be big, bulky, unattractive and expensive. Boy was I wrong!

Leading Lady was kind enough to provide me with a bra from their extensive line of nursing bras and I was so excited to find one that I love! The one I chose is the Dorothy Bra which is wireless and comes in both nude and black. I hate bras with wires so when I saw this one was wireless I knew I had to try it.


Another awesome thing about Leading Lady Bras is that they have a wide range of sizes. The Dorothy Bra comes in band sizes 32 to 46 and from cup size B to DDD.

When I received my bra I immediately could feel how soft the bra was. It felt great on my skin and I didn’t notice any rubbing or uncomfortable tightness. There is room for me to grow since it is adjustable and the nursing mechanism on the straps is easy to clip and un clip but also stays secure when not in use.

I can’t wait to check out other styles that Leading Lady has to offer.

Don’t forget to get 30% off all items at with code “LL80SAVE30”.

This makes my bra under $20! Shop the Dorothy Bra HERE.

What are your favorite nursing items?

XOX Channing

My Pregnancy Journey: 1st Trimester Recap, How I prepared for Conception, Favorite Products


Hey Guys!

Today I wanted to share with you my latest journey! But first a little back story, My husband and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary in October and also started on our journey to becoming parents! We decided that after 3 years, 1 house and 1 dog, we were ready to expand our family even more. Read on to find out how I prepared my body for conception, and all about my 1st trimester!


I had been on birth control pills for about 7 years so I decided to meet with my doctor before quitting cold turkey. She said after my latest pack was finished I could continue not to take them and recommended giving my body at least 2 months to rid my body of the pills and let my cycles level out. She also recommended I start taking prenatals about 3 months before we started trying which I believe helped some of my symptoms I will talk about later on. I heard that some prenatals can cause nausea and other side effects but I am happy to report mine are super yummy and don’t cause my stomach to hurt or anything! Check them out HERE. I have been taking them since about July and haven’t missed a dose yet! They are that delicious!


I also started changing up my skincare routine in preparation for pregnancy. I have acne prone skin so I used a lot of harsh products to help combat the acne. My skin was pretty much always clean aside from the occasional hormonal breakout which was nice. I switched over to gentle, all natural products that are pregnancy safe. I found this amazing website where you can search your skincare and find out how safe it is on a scale from 1-5. Check it out HERE. Since my skin was so used to medicine and now that my hormones are out of wack I will admit that my skin has never looked worse. I have acne all over my face, chest and back but instead of reaching for toxic chemicals I now use natural salicylic acid products which I hope will start to take effect as my hormones balance out in the 2nd trimester. Check out the products I recommend below.

I also started to work out more in preparation for pregnancy especially focusing on the arms and abs. I love the Popsugar Fitness videos on Youtube because they have all different levels and are FREE!


Now on to the 1st trimester.

My husband and I would track when I ovulated and I used the Ovia Fertility app to figure out when my most fertile days were. We tried for 2 months before becoming successful. I know some people say they can tell when they are pregnant but I didn’t feel any different. I took a test 4 days before my missed period because I was anxious and the test was positive! I recommend taking a test first thing in the morning because your urine will be filled with the hormones the test is looking for. I remember taking the test in the bathroom thinking it was too soon and not even telling my husband I was taking it. As I watched it I saw 2 lines starting to form and I remember looking in the mirror saying “No Way”. My husband was so excited and I immediately called the Dr. to get a confirmation appointment. I had my first appointment at 5 weeks where they confirmed.

Everyone kept asking me if I needed anything for morning sickness but other than being tired I felt great! Which worried me but I thought I should enjoy it while I could! My Mom had really bad morning sickness with me and my sister so I figured it would happen to me. At around 6 weeks, we told our parents and my sister. This is when the nausea started to kick in. I have only throw up maybe 3 times but I feel pretty nauseous all day. I gag a lot and feel sick if I over eat which sucks because I am constantly starving! I am also very tired and can easily sleep for 12 hours no problem. I attribute my lack of extreme morning sickness to the fact that I was taking my prenatals for a few months before conceiving. I read that this can help.

My top cravings so far have been:

-Chips (salt and vinegar and sour cream and onion)

-Cottage Cheese

-Mac and Cheese


-Soda Pop

-Neapolitan Ice Cream

I snack on saltine crackers when I wake up which helps the nausea go away for at least a little and I try to stay hydrated all day. I haven’t been working out as much as I would like since I am so nauseas but I do take my dog on hour walks daily which is great. I have also been drinking a lot of Ginger Ale to help my stomach and get rid of my pop craving since I am not drinking any caffeine.

My favorite apps to track baby’s progress are Ovia Pregnancy and The Bump. I also ready Dr. Oz’s “You Having a Baby” book which can be found HERE. I am currently on the hunt to read books about newborns and breastfeeding so if you have any suggestions send them my way!

Over all I have been very calm so far. I thought I would be all anxious about doing something wrong but I have read that as long as your eat healthy, move your body, and rest, the body will do the rest!

Now that I am in my 2nd trimester I am focusing on planning my baby shower, decorating the nursery and making my registry. Please let me know what products you recommend and what you don’t.

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram where I share daily photos and videos from pregnancy related things, to fashion, beauty and my life!

XOX Channing